
Dublin City Council have teamed up with BÁC le Gaeilge to launch “TurasÓir” – a new support programme to help businesses in the capital make the most of the growing global interest in the Irish Language.

In recent years, over 5 million people have started learning Irish on Duolingo outside of Ireland. TurasÓir will look to provide an opportunity to those interested in Irish to use it in an fun and immersive way.

A first of its kind, TurasÓir is a pilor developmental programme which will support five small businesses or community groups to develop tourism experiences. The aim of these experiences  will be to bring the Irish language and/or the story of the Irish language in Dublin to life for tourists.


Did You Know?

Irish is alive and thriving!

In recent years, over 5 million people have started learning Irish on Duolingo outside of the island of Ireland. However, it is recognised that opportunities to engage with the Irish language and the story of the Irish language in Dublin are limited.

TurasÓir is looking rectify this. 

5 Companies / Community Groups will be granted €2,000 following evaluation of this Call for Pilots process.  The aim of the project is to have the language accessible to all who are interested.

Have an idea but unsure if it fits the criteria? We would love to discuss it with you! Email us at eolas@baclegaeilge.ie