BÁC le Gaeilge 2023

Support Fund

The aim of this fund is to increase the visibility of Irish in businesses in Dublin city. This fund will support small and medium businesses to promote Irish in their own way. Companies can receive a grant up to the value of €1,000 for Irish or bilingual signage, Irish and English mainly.

Why should you bother with Irish or bilingual signage in your buisiness?
  • People want to see Irish! From results in 2022*, the people of Dublin agreed that Irish should be;
    • more visible - 69% agreed
    • heard more - 66% agreed
    • given more opportunities - 66% agreed
  • You will stand out! Bilingual signage has an immediate effect on the customer
  • It shows that your business is welcoming and multicultural to your customer


  • Opening Date: 3/08/2023
  • Draft of signage to be sent: 18/08/2023
  • Closing Date: 8/09/2023


  • Limited to businesses based in Dublin only
  • Companies must have a draft plan for the signage envisioned in their application. If it's for a menu or advertisement for example, a copy of the english version if available.
  • Businesses can only make one submission each
  • The funding will be granted on a receipt basis (all businesses who are successful with their submissions will be made aware of their success before they invest in any signage). We will not grant funding retrospectively, i.e. products that exist before applying for this funding. 
  • Receipts must be forwarded before 18 August 2023 to ensure that the grants will be paid this year
  • Receipts or submissions received after the 8 September deadline will not be accepted
  • This is a limited support fund. Grants will be provided on successful applications in the order they are received until the budget in this scheme is spent

Interested in displaying Irish / bilingual signage free of charge in your business?



Fill out the below form and we will be in touch!

Register for the Fund


GRMA as d’iarratas!

Beidh ball de BÁC le Gaeilge i dteagmháil leat go luath