Teanga Tí - Caife ⁊ Comhluadar do Thuistí

What Time & Date

October 9, 2023    
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Áras Inse Chór, Corrán Grattan,
Áras Inse Chór, Corrán Grattan, D08 V003, Inse Chór

Event Type

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Ag iarraidh bualadh le daoine eile atá a gclann á thógáil trí Ghaeilge acu? Beidh maidin chaife á reáchtáil ag Teanga Tí, do thuismitheoirí agus leanaí, go míosúil ar feadh trí mhí. Is deis iontach í seo do thuismithoeirí bualadh le daoine eile ina gceantair atá páistí á thógail le Gaeilge acu. 


Wanting to meet other people who are raising their children through Irish? Teanga Tí will be hosting a coffee morning, for parents and toddlers, monthly for three months. This is a brilliant opportunity for parents to meet other people in their area who are raising their children through Irish also.